Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mr. Nice and Lonely Guy

I texted a friend of mine recently and was kinda taken aback when once again my offer to hang out and have some "bro" time received another rejection response.

"Sorry, can't. Been kinda busy lately."

Okay, okay, I was kinda pissed at first, but sent an LOL along with a few other words.

After a few attempts over the past few weeks to get together, I finally get it. Everyone gets busy, and since I'm the one who works for the school system, and am blessed with a ton of vacations, holidays and snow days - I get bored easily. Especially having two months off during the summer can drive you insane if you don't have anything planned and you end up sitting around everyday. But hey, it's a blessing and I want to make sure this doesn't come across as a complaint.

However, I guess at times I can appear to be a pest. I know that when I'm working throughout the school year, I don't always have time or may not be willing to make time, to just hang out. Sometimes, I just want to curl up with the family or read a good book. Finding something to wear, a place to meet, a time to meet, and then having to troop it out in the cold, can be more of a burden then anything else.

So, instead, on this day in particular, I contacted a client and we had an intense workout session at the gym. It did wonders for the both of us. Especially the cardio. The release of the endorphins really made a difference in how I felt. The feel good effect. So I left the gym feeling good, as I usually do.

So, no hard feelings towards you, buddy.

Life happens!