Tomorrow, I will finally get a chance to get myself back into the gym! Can you tell I'm excited?! I've been waiting for this moment for two weeks now. Waiting for my wife to have a day off so that I can sneak out at 5:30am to get in an early morning workout at the gym.
Before you start a workout regimen, you need to know one thing. You need to know you. For example, I know me. I know that if I don't work out in the morning, before I start my day, then I won't workout at all. This actually refers to weight training. I'll run afterwork, and I'll go to Jiu Jitsu Thursday nights, but I won't weight train. Makes no sense? Well like I said, you need to know YOU not ME. I know ME and I know that I won't lift weights in the evening. LOL. Actually, after work I'm usually too tired to lift weights. I'd rather spend time with my family, by either kicking back on the couch or going for a wog (walk/jog).
What about the At-Home Workout I so often talk about?
Okay, yes I work out at home. But for me there's no comparison to being in a gym with the unlimited access to machines and weights. I admit that I am a self-starter, I am self-motivated, and I usually do my workout alone, but there is something about the atmosphere of the gym that motivates me to work a little harder. It could be due to the fact that... "I got myself here now I have to do something." It could also be just knowing that my buddies are there to offer moral support- especially the older guys who remember back when they were new dads trying to make time for a workout.
Regardless of what causes the euphoric emotions that run through me, the fact is I am happier with my workout when I am there. Even before I place one foot on that treadmill, the endorphins are already running amok through my system. I actually think they started running when I found out that my wife had the day off.
Woo Hoo! I'm going to the gym! Now I have to make sure that my alarm is set. It would be embarrassing after writing all of this, and then it doesn't happen. Let me not put that out into the Universe. I Am going to Milton Hills Sport and Spa tomorrow morning to get in a nice workout. I may even decide to schedule a massage. My back is in desperate need of one, and it is waaaaayyy overdue.
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