The last few days have been nice... I was vacationing with the family. A well deserved vacation! First of all, that's my excuse for not posting anything yesterday- so I have to apologize. Secondly, I want to remind everyone that - even when you're on vacation - you can still maintain your wellness goals.
I have to admit, I have a hard time passing up All-You-Can-Eat buffets. So, instead of me resisting an opportunity to enjoy a good meal AND save money, I learned to eat moderately. I also promised myself that if I go to a buffet, it would be to my benefit to go during the lunch hours. Why? Because as I stated in an earlier post, it is better to eat larger meals earlier in the day, which will provide you with the energy you need throughout the day. Another reason... it usually costs less.
And don't forget your workout. Most hotels have fitness centers (which are often underutilized). So after returning from your sightseeing tours, fun-tivities, etc. spend 30-60 minutes in the gym burning off those extra calories you took in. Or better yet, take a walk along the beach, do a self-guided tour of the hotel, neighborhood, or whatever. It's not so important what you do. But it is important that you stay physically active.
So get out, have fun, and be healthy!
i agree although i didn't use the gym but i found myself walking around alot definately not eating and sleeping and it kee=ps you full. Thanks for the tip and the fun vaca
Good post. I do come back from vacation always feeling guilty and fat. Thanks for the tips.
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